Welcome to Control Products INC!

Welcome!  You’ve found Control Products Inc, a USA based designer and manufacturer of Waterproof Microswitches, Linear Position Sensors, and Thermal Limit switches.  Our main operations are all under one roof in East Hanover, NJ and 99% of our purchased parts and materials are sourced domestically.
Since 1946, CPI has designed robust switching technology for the US Military, and thousands of commercial clients who require extended performance in severe environments.  Key industries we service include:

  • Military – The US government was one of our earliest clients and continues to use our product in applications where a US based supplier and a MIL Spec qualified, field proven design are key criteria.

  • Aerospace – Both Military and commercial aerospace applications abound for our robust line of thermal switches, and waterproof electromechanical microswitches.   Our patented thermal switch design offers fast switching up to 1750F for the most demanding applications.

  • Non-automotive Vehicular – Our line of interlock switches and linear position sensors have found a home in the design of many construction and military vehicles. In particular our LVDT based Linear Position Sensor Technology is a game changer and allows simple field replacement of traditional rod-type sensors while extending both the lifetime and accuracy of the sensor.

  • Mining and Drilling – In applications for in-ground drilling and platform monitoring, our thermal switches provide the perfect switching characteristics, in a tough, highly reliable package.
  • Power and Energy – The Utility industry finds consistent use of our thermal switches and variations of our Waterproof Microswitches in robust monitoring and control applications.  See our discussion of “Wind Turbine Temperature Control”.

 At CPI our goal is the perfect design and application of our switching technology to your needs. While we have many “off the shelf” configurations, all of our mounting configurations and actuator specifications can be made for your special requirements.

We also believe in great customer service and you will find us an experienced and engaged partner for all your switch engineering needs.

Please contact us either by visiting our website (http://www.cpi-nj.com/)  or calling us at (973)-887-9400 to see if one of our product lines could be right for your application.


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