Oil & Gas Industry Offshore Drilling Equipment – The Definition of Toughness

As anyone in the industry will tell you, the technology for exploration and retrieval of Oil or Natural Gas harnesses some of the most powerful and unique engineering machinery in the world.  Both the scale and scope of this equipment is such that it tests the limits of human engineering and drives the creation of awe inspiring, powerful machines and processes.

Add to this however, typical deployment scenarios for such equipment, like a drilling platform in the middle of the North Sea in winter, or underwater at a pumping substation, or in the high power electrical substations of rigs where temperature and cooling control are critical and you can begin to understand the stringent engineering requirements that flow down to every system, subsystem, and component used in the design and manufacturing of this equipment.

It is in this kind of environment that CPI Switches and Sensors were designed to live.
While there are literally thousands of possible applications for our waterproof switches in this kind of equipment, here are just a few that we are aware of.

CPI Switch Products in the Oil & Gas Exploration Industry

Valve Position Sensing – In this application, open close control of remote valves is achieved through use of our J4 series waterproof ball switch.  Selected for its durability and ability to withstand wet and windy environments with its dual seal design.

Air Shut Off Control – In this application our J4 plunger switch helps regulate the flow of cooling air to Genset’s providing critical power to drilling operations.

Compressor Overtemp Switch – In this application CPI Bimetal Thermal switches also detect the operating temperatures of onboard compressors, allowing precise control of engine RPM’s and cooling system activation.

With dozens of other applications for our waterproof switches and sensors, we are well positioned to be the best choice for design of high reliability systems.  Contact us today at www.cpi-nj.com.

This blog was originally published on our website at http://www.cpi-nj.com.


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