CPI Announces Intrinsic Safety Rated Position Sensor

CPI Announces its newest member of the Subsea Linear Position Sensor family, the SL1490, CPI’s first fully ATEX & IEC-EX Intrinsic Safety rated sensor.

As the first sensor of its type in the world, CPI has again raised the bar for performance and reliability of hydraulic linear position sensors in the subsea environment. This sensor is specifically designed for the needs of the Oil and Gas exploration and refining industry satisfying needs on platform hydraulics and deep below the surface on hydraulic cylinders and accumulators used at the well head or in blowout preventers.

Combining Proven Technology Elements Into Something New And Unique
The design of the CPI SL 1490 actually combines two technologies that have been staples of piston position measurement in hydraulic cylinders and accumulators for decades: magnetostrictive position sensor electronics, and our patented linear-to-rotary-to-linear draw wire sensor as a piston displacement indicator.

Our sensor fits inside any cylinder housing of at least 8 inches in diameter. The sensor operates in any non-corrosive liquid or gas and sensor output is specified as either analog, digital, providing absolute position measurement signals.
Uses For the SL 1490 in Oil and Gas Exploration.

If you’re using any electronics on the surface of your rig, you know that explosion risk is always a concern. Our new sensor is fully ATEX and ICE-EX intrinsic safety rated making it the perfect choice for hydraulic accumulator array’s used in heave compensation systems around the moon pool, and any and all other large scale, surface based platform hydraulics.

The SL 1490 is a fluid agnostic design. Unlike other sensor technologies we present no sealed cavities or electrical components that can be shorted out. The magnetostrictive sensor we use is an extremely short rod sensor, eliminating concerns of rod sag under vibration and the sensor is fully certified to operation in 5000 feet of seawater.

Call CPI Today to find out if this Game-Changing Sensor Technology could be right for your hydraulic cylinder or accumulator application.


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