RPG Helicopter Defense.
As one of the workhorse helicopter assets of allied military’s around the world, the Chinook CH-47 and variants carry more cargo and soldiers into battle than any other flying aircraft. It is known as a “battlefield multiplier” and its importance to combat logistics cannot be overstated.
Despite this tactical importance, military analysts can also tell you that the Chinook is also one of the most vulnerable choppers in the US arsenal. In Afghanistan, more CH-47D helicopters have been shot down than any other single type of aircraft. In the words of one US Ranger, “CH-47D’s fly really high and slow with no evasive maneuvers. They’re a huge target up there, like a train coming in for a landing.”
The CH-47D is but an extreme example of the risks faced by all hovering aircraft in the battlefield. It is with this challenge in mind that CPI engineers conceived of their unique battlefield defense system dubbed the CPI ARC system
Active Rotating Countermeasure (ARC) System for Helicopter Defense.

It should be possible to detect and defeat threats more rapidly using the ARC system. This means threat defeat further from the aircraft instead of relying on armor to protect personelle from explosions that often occur within 1 meter or less of the vehicle as in the case of the Trophy system. Existing detection systems can be tied into ARC but since it is continuously spinning, there is no need for the extreme turret movement and inertial damping required by gun based systems. Software identifies the threat vector and launches the next available countermeasure on the spinning turret.
Since the parachute covers a wide surface area, there is no need to “hit a bullet with a bullet”. Nor do we worry about the fratricidal potential of shotgun type munitions, though these could be used with the ARC system as well if deemed more appropriate for certain threats in certain tactical situations.
For More Information Contact CPI Today
To read more about this patented technology please go to https://www.cpi-nj.com/rpg-defense-for-the-us-military/rpg-defense-system/
Original content posted on https://www.cpi-nj.com/blog/rpg-helicopter-defense/
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