When a Pendant is not Jewelry

The worlds most expensive pendant was made famous after the movie Titanic. In that movie actress Kate Winslet wore “the heart of the ocean” pendant which was a purely fictional creation. But after the popularity of the movie, world renown jeweler Harry Winston created an astonishing replica that raked in almost 20 million dollars at auction.
Despite the high cost of this pendant, we are told that they are not reliable switches. While they are waterproof, they are all but useless in electronic limit and safety switch applications. In fact, the heart shaped Ceylon sapphire surrounded by diamonds, is actually a very poor conductor of electricity.
At CPI, we have a better version of Pendants. Our pendants solve problems for manufacturers who require a waterproof, robust, reliable, and small form factor switching solution with extreme electromechanical endurance.
They’re a lot cheaper too…
CPI Pendant Switches
Our waterproof Pendant switches are 100% sealed in either Neoprene or Santoprene, depending on your temperature requirements. The switch side leads are sealed in place too and can be ordered at any length to fit your application.
This basic sealed switch is designed to fit into one of our dozens of mounting bracket styles which include options such as
Roller mount Simulated Roller Simulated Roller Angle Mount Simulated roller Flush Mount Lever Mount | Threaded mount Pipe Mount Simulated roller/lever Low simulated Roller with Angle mount Hook Mount Right Angle Mount | Reverse Angle Mount Panel Mounted Surface Bracket Double mount Simulated roller actuator No Mount (hand actuated) |

Types of Pendant switches
CPI pendants come in a variety of common switch configuration including both momentary and maintained closure as well as rocker switch variations. Our switches are engineered to operate at both High and ultra-low temperatures (Neoprene) without the contact sticking common to our competitors. Common switches are carried by the major distributors (McMaster, Grainger), but are also available as custom items from the factory.
Specifiable parameters include:

- Both Normally Open/Closed options available.
- Designed for immunity to high vibration environments.
- Extended Temperature Operation versions (Using Neoprene version extends low temperature range to -65F; Santoprene upper temperature to +221F)
- Lead lengths specifiable for your application
- Voltage and current ratings. Can handle up to 5A.
- Electro-mechanical endurance up to 1 million cycles.
- Sealed design is 100% waterproof and submersible (IP68).
- Tactile options can be specified for better operator feel.
From factory equipment, to work trucks, to nuclear submarines, CPI waterproof Pendant switches get the call when engineers are tired of messing around with unreliable, offshore solutions. Our switches are 100% made in the USA and always have been. In production quantities they are both affordable and customizable.
For more information or samples, please contact our sales team or call 973.887.9400
Content originally posted on: https://www.cpi-nj.com/blog/when-a-pendant-is-not-jewelry/
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