Now is the Time to Redesign Your Limit Switch Systems

Those of us who have been around for a while have developed a reflex when confronted with unexpected challenges in business: Find the opportunity in the challenge, and focus on it until better days arise.
This is not to minimize the challenge or human cost of the global health crisis we are facing. But part of doing our part has to be preparing for a resurgence of pent up economic demand, and making sure we have a healthy product line and healthy business to come back to.
Whether you are in the oil industry, or making cranes and other work trucks, or designing the next generation of construction vehicles or military vehicles, you are likely experiencing or will soon experience a slowdown in demand. I’m thinking that one of the universal opportunities this presents us all is this:
Time. Time to refocus, rethink, and re-engineer.
Refocus, in whatever that means to you. Refocus your product lines to better align with profitable markets. Rethink your supply chain to decrease your dependence on offshore parts services and raw materials. Re-engineer your systems so that the next generation of your products will be more reliable, cheaper, and easier to produce than the last. The resurgence in demand will come, the only question is: will you be better prepared for it than your competitors?
How CPI is Helping Manufacturers Re-engineer
For Manufacturers of almost every mechanical system, the intersection of the mechanical with the electrical is where CPI products live. Systems requiring monitoring of mechanical operation through limit switches of every kind, where durability, and survivability is a concern, are places for our comprehensive line of waterproof limit switches.
A great example is our J4 Waterproof Ball and Plunger switch. These switches have long been a staple of military and high end commercial vehicles in applications like neutral safety detection, door/hood closed monitors, safety alarm activation, position/proximity detection, fail safe sensors etc…
In 2019 at the behest of on of the worlds largest construction equipment manufactures, CPI reengineered this design into a cost reduced version suitable for the same types of applications, but the new J4414 costs less than half of what the original part did to produce. Our new J4414 Waterproof Plunger switch maintains the same great durability of the original.

CPI J4414 Plunger
- All stainless steel construction
- New unitized actuator and body construction.
- Internally sealed lead connections in any length
- Dual O ring exclusion seal at plunger
- Extreme electromechanical endurance ratings
- Ultra-precise travel parameter adjustment
Our original J4 design remains an option for those requiring operation in the most extreme environments, or mil-spec qualified applications.
Proudly Sourced and Manufactured in the USA
Another issue to consider in the design of new systems in these turbulent times, has to be the viability of your supply chain. Indeed perhaps more than any other single factor, this is driving many of the re-engineering efforts we are part of.
At CPI 98% of our raw materials, and 100% of our manufacturing happens right here in East Hanover, New Jersey.
Call us today to discuss how we can help you use your newfound time, to re-engineer for the future.
Originally posted
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