Pushing Past Coronavirus

As we begin our journey into the uncharted world of commerce during COVID -19, CPI like other companies, has hunkered down, for the safety of our employees, for the safety of our community, and for the health and continuation of our business in a way that is as close to “normal” as possible.
CPI remains open for business. As a defense contractor we are designated an essential industry under the “Memorandum For Defense Industrial Base” from the Undersecretary of Defense. As such we will continue to operate throughout this crisis.
Remember that while so much is uncertain in terms of timing, one thing is certain: This challenge will not last forever. It has a shelf life which we can already largely predict. Those who weather the storm smartly, and without panic will almost certainly come out of this in a better position than they might have found themselves in otherwise.
Inside our New Jersey based factory, an elevated hygienics program has been instituted. Spacing between factory workers has been increased to reflect CDC recommendations and elevated workstation cleaning procedures are in place. Doors are propped open to prevent surface to hand contamination’s and our cafeteria has been closed temporarily. Employees who can work at home, are encouraged to and anyone who is feeling at all unwell is asked to stay home or leave the building and get a test immediately. We are obeying all CDC and New Jersey Governor recommendations for social distancing, and our workstations and machines are being cleaned carefully at the start of every shift.
Time to Consider a USA Supplier for your Switches and Sensors?
A long time ago, the founders of CPI decided on a business model that continues to this day.
- All CPI manufacturing will occur in the USA and our supply chain will be based on USA sourced material as much as possible. Currently all our manufacturing is in the USA and 98% of our raw materials are sourced in the US.
- We reject the economics of commodity products and we choose to make the finest, most durable, and best engineered switch and sensor components possible. They will be for clients and applications who need uncompromised, quality-oriented solutions.
- We will use innovation and ingenuity to drive down the manufacturing costs of our parts so that our parts are highly affordable in quantity, despite their world leading endurance, performance and overall high quality.
- We will create a company environment that cares for its workers and puts them at the center of the quality equation. Because they are proud of the work they do, we get to be proud of the company we’ve created.
Final Thoughts
It is a great irony that the pandemic that distances us individually, in many ways has brought us closer together than ever. By maintaining a can-do spirit, rejecting panicky behavior, and looking calmly towards the future, we can and will help each other get past this.
Originally posted https://www.cpi-nj.com/blog/pushing-past-covid-19/
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